
development is an ongoing process. Leadership Coaching accelerates
that process, giving leaders the time, focus and support to:
- Bring consciousness
and structure to the process of professional and personal leadership
- Define a
personal vision of leadership
- Develop an
authentic leadership style that supports that vision
- Improve communications,
internally and externally
- Create and
maintain authentic relationships built upon respect
- Ensure that
their leadership provides the right mix of vision, direction,
inspiration, challenge, encouragement and compassion to optimize
performance and development.
Coach: Karen

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leadership team is an organization's greatest potential resource.
As a group, these individuals can produce explosive thinking with
powerful, tangible results. Leadership team coaching increases the
focus, efficiency and productivity of these critical opportunities
in addition to enhancing working relationships between team members.
Taking place
on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis, leadership and management teams
are coached to:
- Gain consensus
on vision and role of leadership team
- Create processes
and structures that support the effectiveness of the team
- Improve
internal and external communications
- Tackle obstacles
limiting group effectiveness
- Identify
and prioritize highest-potential initiatives
- Develop tangible
accountability processes to ensure that initiatives are pursued
and progress is communicated to all team members
Coach: Karen

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path to corporate management can often feel vague, ambiguous and
isolating. Promoted on merits of a "job well done,"
people suddenly find themselves in management positions with entirely
new responsibilities. Having mastered skills in more junior positions,
executives often struggle to navigate unchartered terrain with
the ease and success they previously enjoyed. Executive Coaching
provides executives at all levels with the structure and support
needed to accelerate the development process. With regular coaching,
clients learn to:
- Define a
vision for their role/position
- Identify
and prioritize key challenges and responsibilities with particular
regard to management issues
- Create processes
that support timely completion of responsibilities
- Develop an
effective management style based upon compassion and respect
- Sharpen all
aspects of communication
- Increase
flexibility and creativity, particularly under pressure
- Manage the
stress of new challenges with ease
Coaches: Nancy Slocum ,

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todays challenging economic climate it is more important than ever
to make the most of precious time. Partnering with a business coach
has proven successful in increasing individuals' abilities to operate
in more strategic, productive and efficient manners. Business coaching
provides business owners, partners and key staff the opportunity
- Bring focus
to the process of business development
- Clearly identify
business objectives, short and long term
- Ensure a
big-picture, strategic approach to achieving business goals
- Develop processes
that support business operations in the most efficient manner
- Enhance time-management
- Bring consciousness
and vision to their communication and management styles
- Create empowering
employee development plans
- Better manage
stress and conflict
Business Coaches: Karen Beckman,
Ralph Mitchell, Nancy

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coaching is a process that helps clients achieve personal and
professional goals with greater ease and satisfaction. Like an
athletic coach, the coach, motivates, challenges, gives objective
feedback, raises the bar and gives an extraordinary level of support
and encouragement. Through weekly coaching sessions, clients learn
- Assess their
current level of satisfaction and balance in all aspects of their
- Clarify the
values that need to be honored for their life to feel fulfilled
- Define a
compelling vision of what they really want from life and work
- Design a
detailed plan to attain their vision
- Strategize
with the coach on setting priorities, building on strengths and
overcoming obstacles
- Create weekly
action steps that move them closer to their goals
- Continuously
generate new learning and stronger muscles for change.
Life Coaches: Nancy Slocum
, Ralph

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coaching is designed to support productive relationships between
couples, family members and/or business associates. Through weekly
sessions, those involved in the relationship are coached to:
- Create a
compelling vision of how they would like the relationship to work
- Commit to
working toward achieving that productive relationship
- Develop mutual
understanding and respect for individual styles and ways of relating
- Identify
and practice new behaviors each week that assist in shifting the
relationship to a higher level of satisfaction, productivity and
Relationship Coach: Nancy Slocum

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The ability
to successfully navigate workplace conflict in a manner that builds
long-term strategic partnerships is an invaluable business competency.
Personal training in collaborative negotiation supports individuals
seeking to become experts at effectively negotiating workplace conflict.
Training is tailored to meet individual needs by using specific workplace
situations as the basis for skill mastery. With regular coaching,
clients learn to:
- Invite open,
face-to-face communication
- Embrace respectful,
honest and frank discussion
- Become astute
at quickly identifying the "real" issues that create
- Better understand
colleagues' wants and interests
- Initiate
a win-win mindset
- Face conflict
with confidence thereby engaging more powerfully in workplace
- Negotiate
collaborative working agreements that outline how they will work
together toward greater efficiency and productivity
Elaine Rosenblum, Attorney/Mediator

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ability to be a third party mediator has far reaching applications
in the corporate environment. One-on-one training in mediator
skills assists corporate executives in becoming facilitators of
conflict resolution. Training is tailored to meet individual needs
by using personal workplace situations as examples for skill and
role mastery. With regular coaching, clients learn to:
- Assist conflicted
parties in building strategic partnerships
- Create non-judgmental
forums to share issues of mutual concern
- Gain the
trust of others through honesty and integrity
- Become an
active listener, a respectful voice and problem solver
- Loop information
back to assure others that they have been heard
- Reframe issues
neutrally in an effort to manage the frustration or anger of others
- Model the
process of generating customized, win-win solutions
- Build agendas
for productive discussion toward conflict resolution
- Activate
key tactics for generating movement beyond the conflict
- Write mediated
agreements that work
Elaine Rosenblum, Attorney/Mediator

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The ability
to maintain fruitful relationships with internal and external business
partners is essential for corporate success. Breakdowns in communication
and ensuing conflict can upset even the most productive business alliances.
In these
instances, mediation is an invaluable tool that empowers even the
most damaged relationship to flourish going forward.
Mediation for
Team Alignment provides neutral, outside mediation and conflict
resolution services that restore conflicted partnerships. Relationships
are rebuilt using principles of collaborative negotiation. During
the process of mediation, the mediator is continually modeling collaborative
bargaining skills that parties or teams learn and incorporate into
their daily, interpersonal relationships. This ensures that positive,
collaborative interaction will certainly outlast the conflict at
While engaging
in MFA, inter-divisional partners and or teammates join in a process
that enables them to:
- Access a
non-judgmental forum, facilitated by a neutral mediator, to share
mutual concerns
- Meet face-to-face
to communicate openly
- Better understand
one another's wants and interests, regarding various relationship
"hot points"
- Overcome
- Refrain from
assigning blame
- Create custom
resolutions acceptable to all parties
- Create negotiated
working agreements through facilitated, frank discussion.
- Maintain
control over vital decisions affecting their work lives
- Generate
an agreement that outlines how the parties will work together
moving forward
Phase I
Diagnostics: Prior to joint discussion, the mediator meets participants
individually to determine objectives and desired outcome.
Phase II
(optional): Formal presentation of diagnostic assessment to all
involved members
Phase III:
Mediation process
FAQ's regarding
In what types
of relationships is MFA appropriate?
- To rehabilitate
an at-risk company-client relationship
- To rejuvenate
intra-company team/divisional partnerships in which effective
interaction is essential
- To remedy
discord and reduce stress among valued employees, who must work
together, but find their partnership is not operating effectively
or efficiently
- To improve
dialogue and dynamics between a vendor and vendee or any other
service provider relationship, whether at risk or not
How long
does this process take?
It depends on
the issues at hand and the number of parties involved. MFA can take
as little as two hours or continue as long as participants believe
they are working productively. A typical Phase I-III process requires
2 business days, in terms of committed hours.
Why use an
outside third party?
An outside mediator is a true neutral with no political ties to
any organization or a vested interest in the outcome. This independence
encourages honesty, trust and open discussion among the participants.
Mediator: Elaine
Rosenblum, Esq.

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often believe there is a 'magic formula' or genetic predisposition
to being organized. This is simply untrue. Professional Organizer,
Margo Morrison, works with individuals and groups to provide simple,
practical, easy-to-understand tools that inspire even the most
organizationally-challenged to get and stay organized in the areas
of paper, time and space management.
Morrison will come to your office or home and work beside you to
create systems most appropriate for your particular needs. Her most
recognized talent is a simple and foolproof filing system that is
guaranteed to get and keep anyone organized! Results yield workplaces
and homes that are free of clutter and clients who have more time,
space and energy to focus on priorities.
Morrison can
help organize practically anything and specializes in helping clients:
- Customize
and implement easy-to-maintain filing systems
- Decorate
their homes and offices
- Set up and
handle online bill-paying discreetly and confidentially
- Organize
photos and create family photo albums
- Create space
where none was thought to exist
- Design and
organize closets
- Arrange furniture
in a way that blends both form and function
- Frame and
arrange artwork
Margo Morrison

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management training teaches clients a variety of ways to stay
calm and centered in the face of "stress." Through regular
coaching, clients learn self- hypnosis tools to enhance performance:
Learn natural tools for focusing and relaxing
- Enhances
ability to do work under stress
for composure in stressful situations
- Enhances
ability to stay present without unhealthy anxiety
Gain specific
tools to manage emotions
- Identify
personal trigger points
skill in handling the emotions of others
Gain awareness of healthy boundaries
- Learn to
work successfully with difficult people
Learn to conserve energy and resources around energy zappers
- Learn to
know when to say 'no' and how to do it with grace
Improve decision-making
- Learn to
be in touch with body wisdom, what 'feels right'
Learn to gather information and evaluate choices
envisioning: trying on new choices for the future
Coach: Susan

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Yoga is a
process of self-transformation, helping us to recognize and challenge
our self-limiting beliefs. Yoga addresses all aspects of our being,
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, bringing about change in
the whole person. Through movement, breath, awareness, guided visualization,
relaxation and meditation we gain strength, flexibility and balance
not only in our bodies but in our lives, leading to a greater sense
of health and well being. Heidi
works one-on-one to co-create a practice to fit individual needs.
Pooling from a wide range of experience and knowledge, she designs
practices that are both safe and challenging.
Heidi has worked
with a variety of conditions including: pregnancy, limited range
of motion, illness, and stress management.
Heidi offers
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy sessions - a technique for unlocking
emotional blocks and beliefs held in the body through stretching
and verbal expression.
Group yoga experiences
are also offered.
Private and
group meditation sessions are also available.
Coach: Heidi Frieze

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